Hand Therapy Clinic

Ramsay Health Plus is pleased to announce the opening of a Hand Therapy Clinic, located in the Rehabilitation Unit of Tamara Private Hospital, Tamworth NSW.
We are accepting patients from Tamworth and surrounding areas with private health insurance, WorkCover, DVA, third party insurance and self-insured.
*Public/Medicare patients not eligible.
We are able to provide the following services:
- Hand and upper limb rehabilitation
- Splinting/Casting Fabrication and removal
- Pain Management
- ROM and Strengthening
- Return to work
- Post - Surgical
- Tendon Injuries
- Oedema Management
- Graded exercise programs
Treating conditions such as:
- Fractures/Dislocations
- Tendon Repairs
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Trigger Finger
- Osteoarthritis
- DeQuervains Syndrome
- Tennis/Golfers Elbow
- Scar Tissue Management
- Oedema
- Neurological Disorders (e.g. hypertonicity)
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Sports Injuries
For enquiries and referrals please contact
Phone: (02) 6764 5676
Fax: (02) 6764 5680
By appointment only.
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